Project title

Plasma-catalytic system for the total oxidation of volatile organic compounds




The proposed project is aimed at studying plasma-catalytic systems for the total oxidation of organic pollutants in air. Non-thermal plasmas generated in atmospheric pressure electrical discharges will be used in combination with various catalysts. Understanding the interaction between non-thermal plasma and catalysts in the direction of obtaining a synergetic effect is the main purpose of the project. Assessment of the efficiency of the investigated method, as well as of the possibilities for up-scaling is the second aspect of the proposed project.

Pulsed corona discharges, dielectric barrier discharges and dielectric packed-bed discharges will be considered for the oxidation of volatile organic compounds (voc) in air. The advantage of non-thermal plasmas is the ability to generate high energy electrons that excite, dissociate and ionise the gas molecules, producing chemically active species, which in turn can react with the organic pollutants and decompose them. Meanwhile, the gas remains close to room temperature, therefore a highly reactive environment is created without spending energy for heating the entire gas stream, as in thermal processes.

Rather low selectivity towards total oxidation represents the major drawback of plasma treatment of polluted air, which prevented the broad application of this technology. The addition of appropriate catalysts is expected to enhance the voc conversion and especially the selectivity of the oxidation process, due to reactions on the catalyst surface with active species formed in the plasma. It is hoped that by combining non-equilibrium plasma and heterogeneous catalysis, the high efficiency of non-thermal activation and the high selectivity of the appropriate catalysts will result in a synergetic effect. In this way a plasma catalytic system could be developed, having the ability to selectively promote the desired chemical reactions and implicitly reducing the energy consumption for the air cleaning process.



Research team

Project director

Dr. Monica Magureanu (NILPRP)

Senior researchers

Dr. Nicolae Bogdan Mandache (NILPRP)

Prof. Vasile Parvulescu (Bucharest University)

Young researchers

Bogdan Cojocaru (PhD student, Bucharest University)

Stefan Neatu (PhD student, Bucharest University)

Daniela Piroi (student, NILPRP)



Young researchers’ tasks:

The research team includes two PhD students who graduated the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Bucharest, namely Bogdan Cojocaru and Stefan Neatu. The titles of their PhD dissertations are: “Photocatalitic decomposition of neurotoxic agents using zeolite-supported photosensitive materials” (B. Cojocaru) and “Photocatalitic decomposition of vesicants using doped titania” (S. Neatu). In the proposed project the role of these PhD students will be to prepare and characterize the catalysts which will be investigated in combination with plasma, as well as to test these materials for VOC oxidation under purely catalytic conditions, in the absence of plasma.

A student of the Faculty of Physics, Daniela Piroi, is included in the project research team as well. She worked for her diploma thesis (“The study of a dielectric barrier discharge for the oxidation of chlorinated organic compounds”) in the research team which proposed the present project and graduated in July 2007. Subsequently, she continued her formation as researcher in the same group. She followed the Master degree courses and graduated in 2009 with the thesis entitled: “The decomposition of air and water organic pollutants using a dielectric barrier discharge”. Presently she is a PhD student and the tentative title of her PhD thesis is: “The study of non-equilibrium plasmas combined with heterogeneous catalysis for the decomposition of organic pollutants in air and water”. Her tasks in the project consist especially in electrical discharge characterization, experiments for VOC oxidation in the plasma, and in plasma-catalytic systems, as well as electrical discharges in water for the decomposition of organic pollutants.



Objectives and activities

The project proposes a systematic study of the oxidation of volatile organic compounds in plasmo-catalytic systems, focused on the interaction between non-thermal plasma and heterogeneous catalysis with the aim of obtaining a synergetic effect. Due to the research objectives planned, it is expected that the project will contribute to finding answers to the questions that are still open in this research field.

In order to achieve the final objective, the project will be focused on the following specific scientific tasks:

   to study the physical and chemical processes involved in the oxidation of chlorinated organic compounds in non-thermal plasmas in the absence of catalysts and in the plasma-catalytic systems

   to determine in both the above-mentioned situations the reaction mechanisms responsible for pollutants decomposition.

   on the basis of the experimental investigations carried out, to optimise the discharge conditions and the catalysts preparation procedures, in order to obtain a synergetic effect between the plasma and the catalysts

   to evaluate the efficiency of the investigated method of pollution abatement, and to assess the possibility of up-scaling.




Articles published in international ISI journals:

  1. M. Magureanu, D. Piroi, N.B. Mandache, V.I. Parvulescu, Decomposition of methylene blue in water using a dielectric barrier discharge: optimization of the operating parameters, Journal of Applied Physics 104, art. no. 103306, 2008, (impact factor ISI: 2.201) journal web page:
  2. M. Magureanu, D. Piroi, F. Gherendi, N.B. Mandache, V.I. Parvulescu, Decomposition of Methylene Blue in Water by Corona Discharges, Plasma Chemistry Plasma Processing, 28 (6), p. 677, 2008 (impact factor ISI: 2.167) journal web page:
  3. M. Magureanu, D. Piroi, N.B. Mandache, V. David, A. Medvedovici, V.I. Parvulescu, Degradation of pharmaceutical compound pentoxifylline in water by non-thermal plasma treatment, Water Research (2010), doi:10.1016/j.watres.2010.03.020, (impact factor ISI: 3.587) journal web page:


Contributions at international conferences:

  1. D. Piroi, M. Magureanu, N.B. Mandache, V.I. Parvulescu, Ch. Subrahmanyam, L. Kiwi-Minsker, “Oxidation of VOC in air by plasma-assisted catalysis”, 19th Europhysics Conference on the Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases (19th ESCAMPIG), 15-19.07.2008, Granada, Spain
  2. D. Piroi, M. Magureanu, N.B. Mandache, V.I. Parvulescu, “The decomposition of p-xylene in air by plasma-assisted catalysis”, XVII International Conference on Gas Discharges and their Applications (GD-2008), 7-12.09.2008, Cardiff, UK
  3. D. Piroi, M. Magureanu, N.B. Mandache, V.I. Parvulescu, Decomposition of methylene blue by a dielectric barrier discharge, XIth International Symposium on High Pressure Low Temperature Plasma Chemistry (HAKONE XI), 7-12.09.2008, Oléron Island, France
  4. M. Magureanu, D. Piroi, N.B. Mandache, V. Parvulescu, V.I. Parvulescu, “Plasma-catalytic decomposition of aromatic VOC, 5th International Conference on Environmental Catalysis”, 31.08-03.09.2008, Belfast, Ireland
  5. M. Magureanu, D. Piroi, N.B. Mandache, V. David, A. Medvedovici, V.I. Parvulescu, Non-thermal plasma treatment of water containing pharmaceutical compounds, 4th International Congress on Cold Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas: Sources and Applications, 22-24 iunie 2009, Ghent, Belgium
  6. D. Piroi, M. Magureanu, N.B. Mandache, V.I. Parvulescu, Decomposition of organic dyes in water using non-thermal plasma, International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC 19), 27-31 iulie 2009, Bochum, Germany




-         Contract

-         Anexa A – Procedura de contractare şi decontare a lucrărilor

-         Anexa B – Clauze speciale

-         Anexa I – Deviz cadru antecalcul

-         Anexa IIa – Plan de realizare a proiectului

-         Anexa IIb – Criterii minime de performanţă aşteptate

-         Anexa III – Esalonarea platilor



Phase I :

-         Sinteza lucrarii

-         Proces verbal de avizare interna a rezultatelor

-         Cerere modificare deviz cadru

-         Deviz cadru postcalcul

-         Fisa evidenta cheltuieli

-         Raport anual de activitate - 2007



Phase II:

-         Sinteza lucrarii

-         Proces verbal de avizare interna a rezultatelor

-         Cerere modificare deviz cadru

-         Deviz cadru postcalcul

-         Fisa evidenta cheltuieli

-         Raport anual de activitate - 2008



Phase III:

-         Sinteza lucrarii

-         Proces verbal de avizare interna a rezultatelor

-         Cerere modificare deviz cadru

-         Deviz cadru postcalcul

-         Fisa evidenta cheltuieli

-         Raport anual de activitate – 2009